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  • Let's Talk Customization!

    Can you never find that perfect bag for you in the stores?  Have you thought about having one made?  If so, this post is for you!    Don't want to ...
  • Greetings!!!

    You may have noticed that Emmy Bauer has been a little quiet lately!  Like most of you, my world has been a little chaotic lately...but I feel like...
  • Saturday Night Musings

    Saturday evening musings... Things have been a little quiet lately...I was working on a custom order, but that shipped off the other day. I didn't...
  • Hard Question #1 - Clutch or Wristlet?

    Ok, let's just this one out of the way! So I know many of you have browsed the site and you've probably pondered (deeply, no doubt😉) what's the dif...
  • Welcome to Emmy Bauer

    Thanks for joining me!  I'm so glad you're here!  Someday, I'll tell you about how I ended up here, but for now, come in and take a look around!