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You may have noticed that Emmy Bauer has been a little quiet lately!  Like most of you, my world has been a little chaotic lately...but I feel like things are beginning to stabilize again.  Our scene out here in Kansas is not nearly as bad as it has been for coasts, but my company has global customers, and a nationwide supply chain, so as countries/states started to move into stay-at-homes, the work load in my 9-5 job increased to try to manage that.  But, as with everything...what goes up, must come down.  And things have calmed down a lot last week and this week.  In fact...they've calmed down so much that I've been able to think about Emmy Bauer and what to sew next!  Yay!!!!!  


Before we get to that, though, I wanted to mention that I do have two jewelry keepers to list in the store that are ready to go.  I finished them awhile ago (they took forever because I had to order snaps...and then I ordered the wrong size, so I had to reorder!).  I wanted to do a video on them, but I just haven't have a chance to record it yet... maybe in the next couple of days I'll be able to get one up if I can get my videographer to schedule me in. If you look on my Facebook/Instagram, there is a picture of the one keeper...it's a fun pink/blue print.  More to come on those...


But as to what to sew next, I'm going to test out a little wallet.  I've been on the lookout for a very small wallet pattern for a few months now.  One came up a few weeks ago, and if this one works, I may put a couple of them in the store.  I plan to make a test version tomorrow.  The advantage of a very small wallet is that you can use it for just those quick trips into the store when you don't want to carry your big bag. I know I sometimes like to leave the bag in the car...and I especially like to carry in as little as possible right now! 


You may be wondering about face masks and whether you'll see any in my store.  I have made some, but really, I don't plan on having that be part of my business.  There are many folks that have lost their jobs and desperately need the income from selling masks, so I plan to leave the heavy mask making to them.  I would sooner take a mental break from it all anyway and make something fun, so that's what I plan to do!   


Stay healthy! 

