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About Us

Ooooh, I LOVE it when an “about us” page really gives the scoop…so I’m going to try to do that.  🙂🙂  Get your cup of coffee, or tea, sit back, relax, and settle in!

Who is Emmy Bauer? 

Well, Emmy Bauer is me (AKA Emily Bauer, nee’ Emily Wolff).  My family and many friends have always called me Emmy, so when I was trying to come up with what I’d call my brand and store, I settled on Emmy Bauer pretty quickly. Professionally, people know me as Emily Bauer, so I like having Emmy Bauer here. It just feels right! 

Wait?  Professionally?  You mean this isn’t your real job? 

No, it’s not.  My full time job is with an aerospace company here in Wichita and I handle their contracts and exports.

Great! Sounds good! I have no idea what that means. So what do you actually do?  

Well, you know how sometimes you read a contract and come across a paragraph that's half a page long, but only one or two sentences and think, "I have no idea what that means?"  It's my job to explain those paragraphs so they can be understood. 

How in the world did you get that job? 

I’m from Pennsylvania, but jobs were scarce there at the time when I finished grad school.  I started applying for positions with the US government and the Navy agreed to hire me as a civilian in one of their training programs designed to get younger people to come and work for the government.  I handled their contracts and bought things for them (aircraft modifications, spare parts, training, etc…).  I ended up working for them for several years.  I came to Wichita because my husband, Kevin, (but boyfriend at the time) was moving here. 

Wow, husband!  Where did he come from? 

Well, as I said, his name is Kevin and he came from Oklahoma.  We’ve been married for almost 11 years!  He’s an engineer at one of the other local aerospace companies.

What about kids?   

We don’t have any kids that are biologically ours together, but I do have a bonus son from Kevin.  (“Bonus son” is so much better than “stepson,” isn’t it?!!  I’m glad a friend introduced me to that term.) We raised him through the teen years and I’m proud to say that he survived and is figuring things out. He has a son too, so I’m also “Grandma Emmy.”  🙂🙂

Hats off to all you parents out there!  Raising kids, regardless of where they came from, and regardless of how old they are when you got them, is not easy!

What other stuff do you do, besides work and sew? 

In no particular order, I like to play the piano, volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sister, read, and garden. 

What’s this Big Brother Big Sister thing?  I’ve heard of that, but I don’t know what it means.

Basically, kids in the area are matched up with adults so they can get broader experiences in life and just have some other adult that can help them through the years.  I am a “Big Sister” and my "Little Sister" is 9.  We’re both pretty high energy, so I like to keep her busy and trying new things.  We’ve been matched for almost a year and in that time, we’ve visited local attractions, gone geocaching, taken a self-defense class, volunteered for some community service things, and done many others.  Just this morning, we went to Hobby Lobby to pick out some things so she can start a scrapbook of our activities (we’ll work on that scrapbook here and there if there’s nothing fun going on around town), and next time I see her, we’re going to go see the Nutcracker Ballet.  Big Brothers Big Sisters needs adults to volunteer to be Bigs, so if you have some free time, it’s a great organization to get involved with.

Whew, you weren’t joking when you said to grab some coffee!!  

That’s right, I wasn’t!  But enough chit chat!  I have a Rikki wristlet that I want to sew this afternoon, so I need to get to it! 

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me and if you have any questions that you’d like to see answered, just email them to me at emmy@emmybauer.com, or ask them on my facebook page.  I can’t promise that I’ll answer all of them, but I will consider them for an upcoming update to this page or for a blog post.